Start a One-Person Marketing Agency in Less than 60 Days and Get on the Fast-Track to Recurring Income
The OPMA Accelerator is an 8-week training program designed to help digital marketers turn their skills into a sustainable business and get their first freelance clients using a subscription-based offer.
OPMA Accelerator
Unlock The Path to More Income and More Independence
Saying goodbye to the traditional job path is scary.
But the writing is on the wall. Jobs aren't safe anymore.
You need more income.
And you need more income sources.
And you need them now.
Working through your entrepreneurial transformation process with a group will help you break down obstacles and barriers quickly and painlessly.
The 'Future You' Needs 'Current You' to Get The Next Part Right
Unlock Multiple Income Streams and Unshakable Financial Confidence in Any Market
Your future is going to be dictated by your ability to navigate the transition to the digital world. Those who have are reaping massive rewards.
Create the Ability to Earn US Dollars and Live Somewhere You Can Spend in Pesos
Take advantage of huge currency arbitration. Live like a king or queen. Stop looking at the price of food.
Steal our Ultra-High-Converting Offers that Will Make Your Clients Salivate for Your Services
We've cracked the code on what makes clients say "Yes!". We've taken sales out of the equation by having an offer so good clients can't say no.
Discover Secrets to Boost Your Recurring Income from Marketing Clients
If you want all the lifestyle benefits that come with offering digital marketing services, then you also want to ensure you implement strategic pricing so you can sell once and bill over and over again.
Confidently Establish Your Business and Your Identity as a Digital Marketer
Gain Clarity. Our programs provide a crystal clear path to business success. Ask questions and find answers that inspire you to take action.
Gain Confidence. Having a clear picture of where you are going will instill you with massive confidence and excitement. The light at the end of the tunnel will pull you through..
Get Clients. The logical next step is to begin helping people with your skills and services. We'll have you ready by the end of the 8-week program.
It's Everything You Need to Generate High-Paying Clientele
No fluff or BS. Proven Systems and Strategies.
Discover The Perfect Business Model that You Can Run Today
Get ready for a tsunami of 'aha' moments as Rich Ux leads you through this powerful program.
Get Equipped with Tools, Templates, Resources & More
Exclusive software, tools and templates for OPMA's
Attain Massive Clarity, Competence & Confidence
8-Week Cohort Training: Everything you need to know to launch, operate and grow.
24/7 Support Line for Every Situation You'll Find Yourself In
Skills building live trainings, continued education, community and more!
In just 8 weeks, we'll show you how to profit from the digital gold rush.
32.9 million small businesses need YOUR help with digital marketing services NOW and they are PAYING in US Dollars for REMOTE MARKETERS.
Week 1
The Digital Marketing Offer No Business Can Refuse
You'll develop your own irresistible offer based on our highly effective subscription-based business model. This can be applied to all marketers with any skillset.
Week 2
Understanding How to Position as a Premium Provider
Discover how to position yourself against the major alternatives to your service and how to successfully implement premium pricing.
Week 3
Master the Seven 'Win-Win' Terms of Service and Persuasion Pressure Points
Closing deals is easy when you remind your prospects of the immense benefits they'll receive by working with you.
Week 4
Simple Scales. Develop an Automated Payment System.
Build your own 24/7 automated sales machine for your OPMA. Focus on what matters in your business not endless invoicing and billing tasks.
Week 5
Turn Your SOPs into VIPs and Attract More Clients Who Need Your Service.
Uncover the hidden gems of freelance lead generation and how to maximize leverage in your business.
Week 6
The 'Bullseye' Strategy that gets you clients fast.
Discover how to mine the gold buried within your existing network without pissing anyone off.
Week 7
Pitch-Night. Develop Confidence and Prepare for Client Conversations.
Present your OPMA to the group and go through this rite of passage to bring yourself to market.
Week 8
Your Network is Your Net Worth.
Fully equip yourself with knowledge, mindset and clarity before the program ends. Learn how to leverage the Rich+Niche Community.
By Enrolling You'll Become Part of the World's Most Future-Proof Online Community
You'll feel welcomed and supported from Day One. There's no other online community that wants to help you succeed in freelance digital marketing as much as Rich+Niche does.
See what others are saying about their transformation...
I was able to quit my corporate job at Tesla after Rich+Niche helped me get my first 5 clients and develop 4 different income streams.
I went from making $2000 to $6000/month in less than 3 months after joining.
I'm now hitting $10k months and in a great position to scale further with my agency.
Tee S.
Digital Marketer
I was able to secure 4 clients within 4 months of joining Rich+Niche. Now I'm doing $12000/month recurring and ready to scale to $50k/month.
Chase J.
Digital Marketer
Before the end of the program,
I had two clients pay me over $1000/month plus commissions. I highly recommend this program.
Tyler Morris
Digital Marketer
Rich+Niche has paid for itself many times over.
Joining R+N helped me position myself as an authority in the digital marketing space & shift my content target from consumers to business owners who can pay me more.
I got my first client in just 3 weeks and paid more than twice the cost of the program.
Anand Ashok
Digital Marketer
Within three months of joining,
I was able to transition to remote work and haven't looked back since. Best investment ever.
Zoë Tabetha
Digital Marketer
The community is so valuable...
I learned a lot faster than I would have if I tried figuring it out on my own.
Mike Layer
Digital Marketer
I went from $32000 to $65000 as a digital marketing assistant and I have freelance clients on the side all thanks to Rich+Niche.
The wealth of knowledge from not only Rich but the community members is unparalleled compared to any other groups.
When it comes to the "Full-Stack" they just can't compete.
Rich+Niche provides a learning experience like no other. No other training option can provide the same level of support or training depth.
If you would like to enroll in the OPMA Accelerator, please click below to speak with our team.
3 ways to qualify for this program:
1. You took the Full-Stack Marketer Lab program.
2. You have already worked with clients and validated yourself.
3. You worked in an agency and have strong skills.
You will have on-going access to materials and recordings.
No you do not have to attend live. Many students simply watch replays and use the community areas to stay accountable and get support.
No. Refunds are not offered with this program due to its limited seating and modality. If you are unsure about enrolling, speak to a student success advisor by scrolling up and starting the enrollment process.
Be prepared to spend up to $50 for website hosting or light software costs. Our goal is to provide a complete program without having to invest in further elements just for the sake of training.
2024 © Rich+Niche Academy. All Rights Reserved.